General Reports
Download historical sales and payment data for in-store transactions with general reports.
Sales Report
- A sales report is a downloaded list of all individual items added to a saved sale or work order during the selected date range.
- Please note that a sales report doesn't account for (or indicate) payments made, so items that have not yet been paid for can still be in a sales report.
- To download a sales report navigate in Admin to Reports > General reports.
- Select "Sales" from the Report category drop-down.
- Choose the date, or date range, for the reporting period and click "Download".

- A CSV file with all items sold will download to your computer and will contain the following columns:
- Transaction Date - The date and time the item was sold.
- Sale ID
- Customer Last Name
- Customer First Name
- Merchant SKU
- Quantity
- Unit Price
- Line Subtotal
- Discount
- Tax
- Line Item Total
- Logical Order ID

Payments Report
- A payments report is a downloaded list of all individual payments and refunds during the selected date range.
- To download a payments report navigate in Admin to Reports > General reports.
- Select "Payments" from the Report category drop-down.
- Choose the date, or date range, for the reporting period and click "Download".

- A CSV file with all payments (listed in black) and refunds (listed in red) will download to your computer and will contain the following columns:
- Date/Time
- Payment Method
- Amount
- Sale ID/Reference ID