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Install Meta Pixel on Your Site
The Meta Pixel is a snippet of code that allows you to track Facebook visitor activity on your website.
Meta Pixel collects data from your site which can help you track conversions, improve ad optimization, and build audiences. Using a Pixel can make advertising on Facebook much more effective.
Generate and Install Your Pixel Code
- Navigate to your Facebook account and generate your unique Pixel code.
- Place the code in Admin under Settings > Marketing > Custom Tags > Advanced > Additional Header Tags.
- Monitor your results from within your Facebook Ad Manager.
- We do not integrate with Facebook Open Graph code at this time.
For conversion tracking, copy and paste the below snippet of code into Commerce > Catalog > Edit Sale Confirmation Message > HTML/Text Below.
fbq('track', 'Purchase',{currency: 'USD', content_type: 'product', value: @@purchase_total@@});