Category Sales Report
Run a category-specific sales report to see each location's sales broken down by category and sub-category in WorkstandIQ.
New Report
Saved Report
New Report
- In WorkstandIQ, go to Sales > Category Sales > New Report.
- Select the appropriate criteria followed by pressing the "Create" button for a new report to be built.
- To view sales for particular brands, use the Filter Brands checkbox before pressing the Create button.
- Within the report, the criteria used for the report can be adjusted by making the appropriate selections at the top of the report followed by pressing the "Update" button.
- Individual columns can be toggled on or off by checking/unchecking the appropriate boxes, the report will automatically update.
- The Actions drop-down can be used to download, save, or delete (if viewing a previously saved report) the report.
- Numbers displayed within the report are all clickable, click on them to get a pop-up window that shows a breakdown of the individual items.
- Categories populate as they are set up within your Point of Sale (POS), if the categories were recently updated in your POS then they may need to be re-imported.
- COGS = Cost of Goods Sold
- QOH = Quantity on Hand
Saved Report
- In WorkstandIQ, go to Sales > Category Sales > Saved Reports.
- If a previously built report was saved using the Actions drop-down within the report then this section can be utilized to re-visit any saved report at any time.
- Click on the "Show" button on the far right-hand side to open the respective report.