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  2. Website Set Up
  3. Domain Names and Your Website

Update DNS Records (General)

Point your website's domain name to your Workstand site.

If you are moving from a tempxxxx address to a new live site with us, please contact us before making the changes below.

A & CNAME Records

  • Log in to where your DNS Records are hosted (may or may not be your registrar) and adjust the A (@ value) and CNAME (www value) records.
  • Use this link - https://whois.icann.org/en to locate where your DNS records are hosted and to view the Nameservers.

  • Log in to the account where your Nameservers are and navigate to the Domain/DNS section. 

If your Nameservers show:  ns1.smartetailing.net and ns2.smartetailing.net, please contact us if you need to edit your DNS records.

  • Adjust the A record (@ value) to point to:

    • If an A Record with an “*” value exists, that needs to be deleted.
  • Adjust the CNAME record (www value) to point to:  frontend-lb.smartetailing.net

  • If an AAA Record exists, that needs to be deleted.
  • DNS changes can take time to propagate across the internet and can be monitored here:
    Check A Record Propagation | Check CNAME Record Propagation.

  • When you see the screen below the changes are starting to propagate across the internet. 


  • If you have not already done so, please contact us so we can complete the changes needed on our end.

Secondary Domains

  • If you have secondary domains that you would like to forward to your site, please utilize the domain forwarding tool within the registrar for your domain. 
  • Contact your domain registrar for additional assistance.


  • Subdomains, such as mail.example.com, can be created within your DNS records. 
  • To do this, either an A or CNAME record must be added to your DNS records that specify where that subdomain will go. 
    • An A record is used to point the subdomain to an IP address. 
    • A CNAME record is used to point the subdomain to a domain. 
  • When adding a DNS record for a subdomain you specify what you want the prefix to be (mail in this case) followed by where you want that subdomain address to go. 
  • If creating an A record, an IP address must be used. 
  • If creating a CNAME record, a domain name must be used. 
  • For assistance with this please contact the support for where your Nameservers are located (which is where your DNS records are hosted).

DMARC, DKIM,  & SPF Records

  • Many email senders are requiring additional records be added to your DNS records to help ensure your emails get delivered.
    • Contact us and we will help you get the additional records set up.
  • Learn more about DNS records and what they mean in our blog post: Understanding Your DNS Records
  • For additional DNS questions feel free to contact us with your questions.