Importing Library Items into Products

Keep your online catalog accurate and up-to-date.

Link Your Website to Your POS

POS Sync automates several catalog management and maintenance routines.

  • Items that are both in your catalog and POS database will automatically populate on your website if they have a matching UPC/GTIN.
    • Our system can: adjust prices, sale prices, sale start/end dates, inventory, as well as import and remove library products from your catalog based on your POS inventory/re-order status, with little to no additional input from you.
      • This is dependent on having the correct settings in Admin, contact us if you need help with those settings.

How Supplier Sync Affects Products

Supplier Sync impacts your site differently based on which website subscription level you have.

  • For Professional website subscribers, all items/variations that are in stock at the supplier and available in our library will appear in your catalog with an availability label of "In Warehouse."
  • For Local website subscribers, Supplier Sync partner inventory will only fill in variations of items you already have in stock.
    • It does not add any product to your site that is physically not in your store already.
    • The "In Warehouse" label will appear for variations of an item in stock at the supplier that does not show a quantity on hand in your POS.
  • Items imported and on display on your site will have an Availability Label of "Call for Availability" if Stock Status Management is not active or "In Stock" if it is.

Do not import items if you just want to edit the price. To edit the price of Supplier Sync items you use Settings > Supplier > Supplier Sync > Custom Prices.

Basic Subscription Level 

  • Retailers at the Basic subscription level will have to manually import catalog items they want to display
    • Go to Inventory > Library Products to begin your search.
    • To add products to your product list click the corresponding checkboxes in the Import/Update column and select Import/Update Items at the bottom of that page.
    • Once products are in your product list, you can modify a number of details for each item. 

This is a manual process of choosing which items you want to show on your site and requires a significant maintenance commitment.

Importing Products from the Library

You can manually add items to your site if you're on the Professional website package. We do not recommend doing this.

  • Go to Inventory > Library Products.
  • Search for the item or brand using the refinement fields available.
  • Click the preview icon and make sure it matches what you're trying to display.
  • Check the box in the Import/Update column and click the Import/Update Items button at the bottom of the page to put the items on your site.