Labor & Service SKUs

Upload and create service SKUs for use in Work orders in Workstand POS.


  • Service/Labor SKUs are non-inventory products used in Work orders. 
  • These products must be created individually or uploaded in bulk before they can be added to a work order.

Create Service SKUs

  • To create an individual service SKU in Admin, navigate to Inventory > Products and click "Add and edit services".

  • Click "Add service" in the upper right corner. 

  • In the pop-up box, enter the Service name, SKU, price, and time estimate, select if the service is taxable, and click "Submit".

  • That service has been saved to the Services list and can now be used in a Work Order.
    • Click the 3 dots to edit or delete the service. 

Upload Service SKUs

Enter prices into this sheet in cents. For example, for a $60.00 price enter 60.00

  • Once you are ready to upload the template, navigate to Inventory > Products and click "Add and edit services".

  • Click "Upload" on the right side of the screen.

  • Click the "Select file from computer (.CSV)" section and select the file from your computer.

  • Once the file has been selected, click "Upload and continue".

    • Check the box if you'd like to use the sheet to edit existing services that have the same SKU as in the file being uploaded. 
  • Confirmation of the successful upload will be shown by a gray "Services added" box that pops up, and the number of services created will also be displayed.

  • The full list of services can now be viewed by clicking on the "Add and edit services" button in Inventory > Products.