Online Sales List

Learn where all online sales (website orders) can be found and how they are organized.

New Navigation

  • The new destination to find online sales (formerly website orders) in your Workstand admin account is Sales > Sales

                                     NEW                                                                                     OLD


  • All current and previous online orders are being migrated to the new sales list. 

Sales List

  • All online and in-store sales will be found in the same place, Sales > Sales, regardless of whether you use Workstand POS, or not. 
  • Online sales will be designated by the term "Online sale" in a purple pill.

  • At a glance, the Sales list will provide the following information: 

    • Sale (sale number)
    • Date (sale date) - The date the order was placed.
    • Customer (customer name) - Name of the customer who placed the order.
    • Type (type of sale) - Online sale, In-store sale, or Work order.
    • Payment (payment status) - Paid or Unpaid.
      • If manual payment capture is turned on then all online sales will initially display as unpaid and must be captured within the sale details. 
    • Fulfillment (fulfillment status) - Fulfilled, Unfulfilled, or Partial.
    • Status (sale status) - Must be changed manually, the status does not update automatically.  Read more about setting up sale statuses.
    • Export (export status) - This will be either a box to check to export, the date the sale was exported, or "Unavailable" if the sale isn't exportable.
    • Total (sale total) - The total dollar amount of the online sale.
  • The Sales List can be sorted by Date, Customer, Export, or Total.
  • Click here to learn how to process an online sale.