
Adjust and set information pertaining to payroll in WorkstandIQ.


Commission Schemes

Payroll Budget

Actual Payroll

Actual Hours


  • Update employee list from the Point of Sale (POS) and edit employee information.
  • In WorkstandIQ, go to Staff & Payroll > Payroll > Employees.

  • Press the Refresh Employees from Data Source button to pull in employee records from your Point of Sale (POS).

Note: All employees are imported from the Point of Sale system, new employees cannot be added directly to WorkstandIQ.

  • The "Export/Import Employees" button can be used to download a spreadsheet to be filled out and then re-uploaded to the system to update employee information in bulk.
  • Otherwise, click an employee's name to add or edit information.
  • Choose the appropriate Department that was previously set above.
  • Enter compensation as either Hourly Wage or Annual Salary (do not enter both).
  • If the employee is Salary then enter the typical amount of weekly hours worked in the "Weekly Hours" box.
  • Checking the SKU commissions box tells WorkstandIQ to include any POS SKU commissions in Payroll. 

    • This is separate from the Commission Schemes that are available within WorkstandIQ.

  • If Commissions have been set up in WorkstandIQ then select the appropriate "Category Commissions" boxes.
  • Press the "Save" button before moving on.

Commission Schemes

Payroll Budget

  • Adjust the payroll budget that is used within the scheduler.
  • In WorkstandIQ, go to Staff & Payroll > Payroll > Payroll Budget.
  • Press the "Edit" button for the appropriate pay period.
  • Enter the target budget either as Budget Dollars or Budget Percent based on the Payroll Goal Basis set above
    • These budgets only reflect hourly wages and salaries and do not include spending on worker's compensation, benefits, or other staffing expenses.
    • Payroll Budget Calculation Examples

      • Payroll Budget in Dollars

        • Percentage of Sales Goal/LY/3YA -> Dollars, or

        • Set as Fixed Dollar Amount

      • Avg Cost per employee hour

        • Actual Payroll ➗ Actual Hours  =  Average Cost per employee hour

      • Payroll Budget Dollars ➗ Avg Cost per Employee Hour = Payroll budget in hours

      • Example: Payroll budget is 20% of sales goal

        • Sales goal for a particular pay period is $100,000, so payroll budget for that period is $20,000

        • Last year during this pay period, avg cost per employee hour was $20.

        • $20,000 payroll budget divided by $20 avg wage = 1,000 hours we can use to schedule staff during this pay period and stay within budget.

  • Press the "Save" button before moving on.
  • The "Export/Import Budget" button on the main Payroll Budget screen downloads a spreadsheet template that can be filled out and then uploaded to the system instead of editing each pay period individually. 

Tip:  Many bicycle shops strive for a labor budget of 17% to 23% of revenue.  That is a good starting point if one is needed then work to reduce that percentage over time.

Actual Payroll

  • View actual amounts spent on payroll for prior periods.
  • In WorkstandIQ, go to Staff & Payroll > Payroll > Actual Payroll.
  • Payroll information for prior pay periods will be displayed.
  • Use the "Export/Import Actual Payroll" to download a spreadsheet that can be populated and then uploaded to the system for any missing periods.

Actual Hours

  • Use this section  to manually upload payroll hours in case of major technical issue as these numbers are automatically imported from the POS system.
  • In WorkstandIQ, go to Staff & Payroll > Payroll > Actual Hours.